On April 4, Catholic Memorial senior Mark Hedberg earned his Eagle Scout Award at a Troop 10 ceremony of the Boston Minuteman Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Hedberg, whose brother Matt ’08 earned his Eagle Scout last spring, was honored in the ceremony along with one other Troop 10 Scout at Grace Lutheran Church Hall in Needham.
On the way to Eagle, Mark earned merit badges in Scout programs at Boston College, Harvard, and Mt. Ida College. His Eagle project included repatining the light poles on the Needham Town Common and the handicap railings next to Town Hall. Mark led a group of scouts and others in sanding, scraping and eventually replacing the fixtures and poles. His extensive work has improved his community made the Town of Needham proud.
At the ceremony, Mark was honored by assistant Scoutmasters, including his father Brian, and Scoutmaster Frank Maddalo.Pictured with their parents (l-r) are Mark, Matthew and their brother Andrew.