On the feast day of Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice, Br. Kirk Phelps, Br. Anthony Cavet and Br. Jeffrey Oxx led the CM community in renewing and recommitting itself to the shared values of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers and the larger international family of Edmund Rice.At the annual Founder's Day Mass on the morning of May 5, these three Edmund Rice Christian Brothers renewed their vows in the Ronald Perry Gymnasium. They were followed by the faculty and staff doing the same, and finally the students, who were called to "work to the best of our ability to help fulfill the mission of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, as we live out our lives."
President Paul E. Sheff '62 led the faculty and staff in this recommitment, while Brian Murphy '11 led the student body. After Mass, guidance counselor Bill Hanson came forward to present the Brothers with a gift on behalf of the school community and to announce that this year's collections for the Brothers' missions in the world totaled over $6,000.
Mr. Hanson then asked the school community to give the Brothers a rousing applause - "one that this gymnasium has never heard before." It obliged.